the Wake Forest University - Nano and Quantum Technologies Laboratory


Suss Mask Aligners: 3 x upgraded, mechanical MJB3 systems setup for: Deep UV band, Middle UV band, and Low band. Backside alignment available

Focussed Ion Beam: FIB is a FEI 200M with a rebuild from TSS

Nabity NPGS: e-beam lithography built on a Zeiss Supra 25 with Schottky Field emission gun. System also has EDAX system.

Resist Spinners: 2 x Laurell spinners with vacuum chucks and programmable

DPN 2000 dip pen lithography system

Wet Benches with acid and base hoods, refrigerated storage, and vented chemical storage

Processing Ovens: standard cleanroom compliant vacuum ovens for processing

Mask design software: used to design masks and allows circuit simulation

Thermal Evaporation Edwards thermal evaporator system cleanroom compatible.

AC/DC Sputtering Kurt Lesker Nano 36

e Beam Evaporator Kurt Lesker, cryopumped AXXIS system with e-beam evaporation, and two sputter sources

PECVD system: Oxford Plasma 80 Plus. Gases: SiH4, NH3, N2O, N2, O2, and CF4

Ar / O2 plasma etcher/asher

UV ozone cleaner

Reactive ion etcher (RIE): Oxford plasma 80 plus.