the Wake Forest University - Nano and Quantum Technologies Laboratory
The factory workshop
Many tools of the NanoteQ Lab must be designed and built for a specific and unique purpose or task. The Fabrik (German for factory) does just this. Not everything you need to do in a lab can be bought from a supplier. Moreover, sometimes our favorite tools need refreshing. The Fabrik group refurbishes older equipment, builds new tools, and designs new capabilities for the Lab. The team itself is composed of volunteers from across the user groups with specific expertise in electronics, plasma tech., vacuum tech., computer interfacing etc.
Some of our current projects...
NanoteQ Cleanroom: Design a cleanroom space of ISO 6 (class 1000) for use in quantum-circuit fab.
Yes of course you can buy modular systems or hire specialists to do this. But NanoteQ needed a cost effective way to build such a cleanroom that took full advantage of specific site/location opportunities and exceeded ISO 6 is certain ways but there ISO 5 was not required. Fabrik has developed its own design for such a space that exceeds ISO 6 required air replacement and stability of temperature and moisture as well as large particle count. a 1200 sq ft version of this design was installed and has been tested at the current NanoteQ location. An updated version of this design is slated for installation at the new NanoteQ site. (project completed)
Organics Evaporator: A new thermal evaporator system specifically designed for organic devices.
This system is designed with high vacuum and long path length to reduce thermal damage to delicate organic systems. it has multiple cryo-shields to reduce outgas contamination while maintaining fast turn around times. Finally it allows for on demand process modification. (ongoing)
RHK scanning tunneling microscope upgrade
We are upgrading the older RHK system with new computer controllers, new video output and high resolution display, and updated preamp and multigrain amp couplers. We are also constructing a newer beetle design with higher rattle frequency and lower center of gravity and checking for old solder joints within the system. Finally, we are upgrading the vacuum system. All this while retaining our beloved SPM 100 electronics for a fully analogue system with low noise (fA). (ongoing)